In that case you should demolish it and get few materials from it. Bad news is, small amounts of items are required, so remember to have them in your inventory.Īfter you use all repairs and for the last time reduce its durability to zero you won't be able to use it anymore. Good news about repairs is you can do them in any place in the game world (holding the right button). This parameter can be checked via inventory as well - the place where you can read it has been shown on the picture above (in this example there is only one remaining repair available). Worn off weapons can be repaired, although each of them have a limited amount of repairs possible. After all points are used weapon becomes useless and if you're in the middle of combat you should quickly swap to other weapon, thanks to which you will continue the battle with no slowdowns. Current weapon state is depicted in points and it can be checked after highlighting the item in the inventory. One of many similarities between Dead Island and Dying Light is the fact that weapons used by main character gradually worn off.